BabyOrganix Guide to Washing and Bathing Your Baby

Babyorganix Guide To Washing And Bathing Your Baby

You’ve never given a baby a bath and you just don’t know how to get started? Thanks to BabyOrganix, we’ve created baby care tips on how and what you need to take to have a healthy and proper bath for your baby!

When to give your baby a wash and bath?

There is no perfect time to bathe a baby, but many parents tend to bathe and wash at night because it will relax and help the baby sleep soundly. If your baby is a type that wants to play during bath time, you can do it in the morning to give them a happier mood.

In the first few weeks of a baby’s life, you don’t need to give them a bath every single day. When washing or bathing your baby it is best not to exceed for 5 minutes in order to prevent your baby from getting cold. It is recommended that you at least clean the face, hair, buttocks, and genitals every day with a warm washcloth if you decide not to bathe your baby every day. 

Wash and Bath Time with BabyOrganix

Before starting the bath, BabyOrganix advises you to prepare all the things you will need so that you have everything at hand when bathing your baby. Having everything you need before you start keeps you relaxed and having fun with your little one. Here are the things you have to prepare and useful for baby’s bath:

  • Water

For newborns and babies up to 6 months of age, fill the tub with a maximum of 8 to 12 cm of water. For older kids, for it to be safe, water should not be higher than their waist. 

The ideal water temperature should range between 35° and 38°C, or roughly equal to the temperature of our body. Test the temperature with your palm or elbow before putting your baby in the bath, to ensure that the water is safe and comfortable. If the water is still running, never immerse your baby in the bath: the temperature could change dramatically or the water level might rise too high.

  • Hold your baby in a proper and comfortable position

As we all know, newborns are very delicate and you need to ensure that they are held comfortably and gently. When washing, be careful in manipulating their heads and do your best to avoid getting water and soap in their eyes.

  • Soap and shampoo

BabyOrganix recommends that you use a safe, gentle, and fragrance-free soap especially made for newborn babies’ delicate and fragile skin. BabyOrganix Kids & Family Top to Toe Cleanser and BabyOrganix Gentle Hair Shampoo are perfect for baby’s skin and hair ad it is made with natural and toxic-free ingredients for extra newborn care. 

Rinse them gradually, so that they have time to become familiar with the water running over their bodies to feel soothed and not scared.

  • Always be careful and give your full attention

Never ever leave your baby alone in the bath even for a very short time. Give your full attention to them as accidents can occur any time, they might drown even in a small amount of water.

  • Getting out of the bath

As soon as you get them out of the bath, dry them quickly to prevent them from getting cold. Make sure they are fully dried by the towel so that there is no residual moisture in their skin folds, which might cause any irritation. Change the towel you use on a regular basis so there’s not enough time for bacteria to spread.

Get All-Natural with BabyOrganix

For first-time parents, always make sure to get yourselves aware of the do’s and don’t in taking care of your little ones. Fortunately, BabyOrganix is always here to guide you in your journey of becoming effective parents. Additionally, as parents, you should be mindful of the products you will use especially when it’s for your baby. BabyOrganix has a range of all-natural newborn baby products perfect for their sensitive skin and for the whole family. Check out BabyOrganix today and be the best parents you can be!

BabyOrganix - The Power of Nature